Michael Patterson statement.
Michael Patterson has lived in Charlotte, NC since 1993. He graduated with a BFA in Photography and Painting from Louisiana Tech University in 1980. The past years have become a prolific creative period after construction of his studio in 2014. The studio setting provided traction and a haven for experimentation. Collectively texture, movement, tension, and color allow a fluidity towards the indefinable feeling when a composition feels finished.
Paint. It is straightforward with a unique smell. It’s quiet. Dry. With a cold character. I often paint with my hands giving me an ability to blend groups of colors with depth and volume or ever so thinly. Compounded color provides texture in the 2D world I live in professionally as a painter and video editor.
I intend for my paintings to become enrichments in my own journey toward appreciation of the arts. I wish for an individual to connect with a painting that provokes and maintains the initial reaction when first viewed. But mostly I want you to appreciate the process so your investment will continue to be endeared.
michaelpattersonpaintings.com @michaelpattersonpaintings michael@michaelpattersonpaintings.com
Please peruse my website and email if you questions and comments.
Thank you for your patronage,
Michael Patterson
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